Est. 1937

DeWitt Central FFA

"As our treasurer, I want to use adventurous tactics to strengthen our FFA chapter."​

Treasurer, Stationed at the Emblem of Washington

"Test plot. I like seeing the different varieties of experiments we conduct. The results always really interest me. This year we started the ice plot. The ice plot was simulated throughout 7 stages over 4 days. The ice is dumped over the rows to simulate cold rain and test the germination of the seeds."

What is your favorite FFA activity?

Grade: 11

SAE: ​ Pike Creek Farms and Beef Production at Fusion Cattle

Favorite Part of Your SAE: ​"My favorite part is when I get to go out in the harvest field and do work. I like seeing my hard work pay off. I like seeing the outcome of my planning and decision-making skills."

What is your biggest goal as an officer?

Price Strohman

What is something you want FFA members to know?

"Get out and help your community!"