Est. 1937

DeWitt Central FFA

Every year our members get to decorate a float and promote agriculture by being in the 4th of July parade.

During the summer and fall our students have the opportunity to promote their SAE projects by selling at the farmers market.

Every year we host a safety day where 4th graders gather to learn more about safety and agriculture.

Our FFA members can volunteer to help plant and grow various seed hybrids that were donated by a local business.

 Homecoming Parade

Throughout the year members will travel with the ag trailer to various events where they will teach people about different topics in ag.

       Plant Sale

        Test Plot

Chapter Activities

 Chapter Banquet

    Ag. Safety Day

Agricultural education is a standardized program of instruction for students passionate to learn about the business, science, technology of plant and animal production and/or about environmental and natural resources systems. Agricultural education instruction has three major components: SAE, FFA and Classroom, all of them together are referred to as the Ag Ed Model.

 4th of July Parade

   Farmers Market

Every year our members get to decorate a float and promote agriculture by being in the homecoming parade.

Every Spring our members gather to celebrate our success and accomplishments throughout the year.

A few times a year our officer team will go for a retreat where they plan upcoming events and get to know each other.

        Ag Trailer

   Officer Retreat

All spring our horticulture class grows and cares for the plants in the greenhouse, once the plants are ready we host a plant sale for our community .

       Can Drive

Twice a year we have a local can drive where our community can show their support by donating cans.