Est. 1937

DeWitt Central FFA

Front row: Lisa Houser, Ange Clark, Betty Diedrich, Denise Mommsen, Molly Smith, 

Back row: Bob Goodall, Steve Diedrich,  Joe Martin, Norlin Mommsen, Karson Smith

Throughout the year our FFA Boosters are responsible for several fundraising activities including DeWitt Central girls basketball concession stands, the Craft Show, and so much more! All of the proceeds from these events help support the FFA student chapter by financing scholarships, travel expenses, provide leadership opportunities for students, and purchase supplies.

Ange Clark, Secretary

FFA Boosters

Karson Smith, Vice President

The DeWitt Central FFA Boosters officer team consists of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Below are the current officers.

How to Join



FFA Boosters Officers

The DeWitt Central FFA Boosters is comprised of 15 active members! The Dewitt Central FFA Boosters consists of a group of adults, passionate about agriculture, that help guide and prepare students in the FFA. Members of the FFA Boosters help plan and put on various events throughout the year to help fund scholarships, travel expenses, and provide leadership opportunities to FFA members.

Step 2: Attend the next meeting and find out about all the opportunities the FFA Boosters have to offer!

Anyone interested in supporting and promoting agriculture, agriculture education and the FFA is able to be a member of the Dewitt Central FFA Boosters. Past FFA membership is not required!


Bill Clark, Treasurer

Step 1: Get into contact with Steve Diedrich by email or by phone (563-357-3944)

Monday, March 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the agriculture classroom. 

Steve Diedrich, President



DeWitt Central FFA Boosters


Next Meeting