Est. 1937

DeWitt Central FFA

I participated in CDEs all four years in FFA. As a freshman I did Conduct of Meetings, sophomore year it was Prepared Public Speaking, junior year was individual Ag Sales and senior year was Parli. I also did livestock and horse judging contests.

Ms. Jenna Stevens

My favorite part of being an FFA coach are the contests that involve research. I am a total nerd and love to spend hours learning something new. I enjoy writing scripts and building the bond that it takes to develop into a team. There is nothing more satisfying than taking a topic that kids might not have ever encountered and turned it into an artful performance. Ag Issues allows me to do this, and it is my favorite contest to coach.

​Years as FFA Coach: 5

HS SAE: ​Agricultural Placement.

HS CDE's: Conduct of Meetings, Prepared Public Speaking, Ag Sales and Livestock/Horse Judging.

Favorite Hobby: ​Reading

​​When I was in FFA, my SAE was in Agricultural Placement. I volunteered at an exotic petting zoo that did kids events in the area. I also helped out the owners on their farm. We had several unique animals in the zoo including a wolf, an 8-foot boa constrictor, spiders, lizards, monkeys and more! At the farm we had more monkeys, baboons, a pair of cougars, and a three-legged bear named Ben who loved to eat marshmallows out of your hand. I received second overall as a State Star in Agri-Placement.

What were your SAE experiences as a member in FFA?

What is your favorite part of being a FFA Coach?

What were your CDE experiences as a member in FFA?

FFA Coach, Stationed by the Advisor